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GOAL 開課前練習內容 (影片教學+示範) (27:29)
GOAL 開課前練習內容 (PDF教材, 可下載)
GOAL🚨👉實戰直播課入口👈🚨 (逢星期三晚上)
GOAL 👉Online Talk 入口👈 (逢星期天晚上) & 題目資料和上課形式
GOAL 第三次Online Talk (14/5/2023) 題目資料
GOAL 第四次Online Talk (21/5/2023) 題目資料
GOAL 第五次Online Talk (28/5/2023) 題目資料
GOAL 第六次Online Talk (4/6/2023) 題目資料
GOAL 第七次Online Talk (11/6/2023) 題目資料
GOAL 第八次Online Talk (18/6/2023) 題目資料
第一次實戰直播課回放: 如何增加內容豐富度和流暢度? (26/4/2023) (70:36)
第二次實戰直播課回放: 從理解到活用文法規則,建立英文溝通思維 (4/5/2023) (78:51)
第三次實戰直播課回放: 表達能力不好? 三步提升語言組織的邏輯思維 (10/5/2023) (64:25)
第四次實戰直播課回放: 什麼才是好的英文口語表達? 從0到1的實戰表達訓練 (17/5/2023) (71:51)
第五次實戰直播課回放: 英文句子表達得不自然 ? 中式英文 ? 從思維上的實戰表達訓練 (24 /5/2023) (70:47)
第六次實戰直播課回放: 即場應對無從入手? 從0到1的實戰表達訓練 (31/5/2023) (64:07)
第七次實戰直播課回放: 學了很多詞彙, 卻還是不會用英文表達? 脫口而出的主動詞彙鞏固訓練 (7/6/2023) (70:06)
第八次實戰直播課回放:什麼才是好的英文口語表達? 深入骨髓的表達三部曲 (14/6/2023) (75:08)
GOAL Online Talk 回放
第一次 Online talk 回放:討論 The difficulty of improving English and the strategies (56:58)
第二次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Should Remote work be the new normal? (80:13)
第四次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Will Artificial Intelligence Enhance or Endanger the Future of Jobs? (61:58)
第五次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Is social media more beneficial or harmful to society? (60:11)
第六次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Exercise vs. Diet: Which is More Important for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle? (59:46)
第七次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Does teamwork lead to better outcomes and increased productivity in the workplace? (61:12)
第八次 Online talk 回放: 討論 Is personal growth possible without facing significant challenges or adversity? (62:50)
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 1-5) -- Exploring yourself 探索自我
GOAL Lesson 1: Introduce yourself and your background (影片教學+示範) (19:56)
GOAL Lesson 1: Introduce yourself and your background (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 2 : Discuss your strengths and weaknesses(影片教學+示範) (16:24)
GOAL Lesson 2: Discuss your strengths and weaknesses (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 3 : Describe your personal values (影片教學+示範) (15:43)
GOAL Lesson 3 : Describe your personal values (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 4 : Talk about your setbacks and challenges (影片教學+示範) (13:50)
GOAL Lesson 4: Talk about your setbacks and challenges (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 5 : Discuss the role of mentors or role models in your life (影片教學+示範) (15:44)
GOAL Lesson 5 : Discuss the role of mentors or role models in your life (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 6-10) Occupation and Workplace 職業和工作場所
GOAL Lesson 6 : Talk about your current job or a job you had in the past (影片教學+示範) (13:35)
GOAL Lesson 6 : Talk about your current job or a job you had in the past (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 7 : Describe a successful project or accomplishment at work and how you achieved it (影片教學+示範) (9:32)
GOAL lesson 7 : Describe a successful project or accomplishment at work and how you achieved it (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 8 :Talk about your experience with teamwork and collaboration (影片教學+示範) (12:39)
GOAL lesson 8 :Talk about your experience with teamwork and collaboration (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 9: Discuss the importance of effective communication in the workplace (影片教學+示範) (17:08)
GOAL lesson 9: Discuss the importance of effective communication in the workplace (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 10 : Discuss your experience and skills related to a particular profession or industry (影片教學+示範) (10:28)
GOAL lesson 10 : Discuss your experience and skills related to a particular profession or industry (PDF))
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 11-15) Basic Necessities Of Life 日常生活--衣食住行
GOAL lesson 11 :Describe your living space (影片教學+示範) (17:41)
GOAL lesson 11 :Describe your living space (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 12 : Describe a local dish and explain its importance (影片教學+示範) (21:28)
GOAL lesson 12 : Describe a local dish and explain its importance (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 13 :Share your experiences using different types of transportation (影片教學+示範) (14:27)
GOAL lesson 13 :Share your experiences using different types of transportation (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 14 :Discuss your favourite type of clothing and how it makes you feel(影片教學+示範) (21:55)
GOAL lesson 14 :Discuss your favourite type of clothing and how it makes you feel(PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 15 :Discuss the importance of finding balance in daily life (影片教學+示範) (14:41)
GOAL lesson 15 :Discuss the importance of finding balance in daily life (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 16-20) Social Issue 社會議題
GOAL lesson 16 : How to promote sustainable transportation in our city? (影片教學+示範) (20:20)
GOAL lesson 16 : How to promote sustainable transportation in our city? (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 17 :Discuss the factors that contribute to income inequality and its impacts (影片教學+示範) (24:44)
GOAL lesson 17 :Discuss the factors that contribute to income inequality and its impacts (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 18 :Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare system where/city you live (影片教學+示範) (15:08)
GOAL lesson 18 :Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare system where/city you live (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 19 : Discuss the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence (影片教學+示範) (15:45)
GOAL lesson 19 : Discuss the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 20 : Discuss the challenges and opportunities in today's Education System (影片教學+示範) (21:54)
GOAL lesson 20 : Discuss the challenges and opportunities in today's Education System (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (lesson 21-25) Modern World and Digital Age 現代世界和數字時代
GOAL lesson 21 : The Pros and Cons of Social Media: Balancing Connectivity and Concerns (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 21 : The Pros and Cons of Social Media: Balancing Connectivity and Concerns (影片教學+示範) (14:06)
GOAL lesson 22 : Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of public health (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 22 : Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of public health (影片教學+示範) (13:57)
GOAL lesson 23 : Exploring the potential applications and impact of immersive technologies (VR, AR) (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 23 : Exploring the potential applications and impact of immersive technologies (VR,AR) (影片教學+示範) (20:54)
GOAL lesson 24 : Talk about the role of technology in addressing climate change (影片教學+示範) (19:15)
GOAL lesson 24 : Talk about the role of technology in addressing climate change (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 25 : The Future of Work in the Digital Era (影片教學+示範) (19:26)
GOAL lesson 25 : The Future of Work in the Digital Era (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (lesson 26-30) Leisure and Lifestyle 休閒與生活方式
GOAL lesson 26 : Discuss your favourite leisure activity and why you enjoy it (影片教學+示範) (15:13)
GOAL lesson 26 : Discuss your favourite leisure activity and why you enjoy it (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 27 : Discuss your dream vacation destination and why it is appealing to you (影片教學+示範) (15:26)
GOAL lesson 27 : Discuss your dream vacation destination and why it is appealing to you (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 28 : Discuss the importance of exercise and a healthy diet (影片教學+示範) (10:55)
GOAL lesson 28 : Discuss the importance of exercise and a healthy diet (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 29 : Discuss your favourite book and why reading is important to you (影片教學+示範) (12:48)
GOAL lesson 29 : Discuss your favourite book and why reading is important to you (PDF教材)
GOAL lesson 30 : Talk about your favorite movie or tv show and tell us why it's your favorite (影片教學+示範) (10:59)
GOAL lesson 30 : Talk about your favorite movie or tv show and tell us why it's your favorite (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 31-35) Professional Development in Career 職業發展
GOAL Lesson 31: Discuss the importance of professional development in your career (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 31: Discuss the importance of professional development in your career (影片教學+示範) (14:59)
GOAL Lesson 32: Describe a challenging situation at work and how you resolved it (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 32: Describe a challenging situation at work and how you resolved it (影片教學+示範) (9:26)
GOAL Lesson 33: Describe a time when you had to learn a new skill to succeed in your job (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 33: Describe a time when you had to learn a new skill to succeed in your job (影片教學+示範) (11:48)
GOAL Lesson 34: Discuss the importance of building positive relationships with coworkers (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 34: Discuss the importance of building positive relationships with coworkers(影片教學+示範) (9:18)
GOAL Lesson 35: Discuss strategies for improving workplace productivity(影片教學+示範) (9:18)
GOAL Lesson 35: Discuss strategies for improving workplace productivity (PDF教材)
GOAL 訓練内容 (Lesson 36-40) Relationship and Personal Growth (人際關係與個人成長)
GOAL Lesson 36: Discuss the importance of trust in family relationships (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 36: Discuss the importance of trust in family relationships(影片教學+示範) (11:43)
GOAL Lesson 37: Discuss the importance of a growth mindset in personal growth (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 37: Discuss the importance of a growth mindset in personal growth (影片教學+示範) (10:27)
GOAL Lesson 38: Discuss the importance of having a close group of friends (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 38: Discuss the importance of having a close group of friends (影片教學+示範) (8:11)
GOAL Lesson 39: Describe a time when you stepped outside of your comfort zone (影片教學+示範) (12:50)
GOAL Lesson 39: Describe a time when you stepped outside of your comfort zone (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 40: What have you learned/improved in this 2-month English-speaking course? (PDF教材)
GOAL Lesson 40: What have you learned/improved in this 2-month English-speaking course? (影片教學+示範) (12:46)
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第二次實戰直播課回放: 從理解到活用文法規則,建立英文溝通思維 (4/5/2023)
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